A friend of mine told me a few days ago that this song motivates her:
Okay, that's all fine and dandy for motivational music I suppose. However, I'm more the type that needs my music to kick me in the butt every once in a while. When I need a little motivational music, I turn to some pretty wacky things:
I am a sucker for a catchy guitar riff, a sassy rap verse, and an ass kicking chorus!
Do you look for quotes or witty posters?
Or how about celebrity bodies?
I know, you're more of the "I did it!" version of a celebrity fan, right?
Well, I find it in the strangest of places and in my every day life.
I am a compliment whore, a fisher of good words if you will. I love to hear people notice my weight loss, or my new hair cut. I love to hear them say quietly (as if I'm hiding it), "You've lost weight, haven't you?" To which I usually reply, "Yup, and I'm still losing more!" and I thank them and walk away.
Don't get me wrong, I need a lot of motivation along the way. A. LOT.
So I look to a couple of down to earth ladies for it:
and Ms. Krystle "Skinny Jeans"
Don't pout, I also draw motivation from those close to me. I've mentioned before that my mom goes to meetings with me. She motivates me a lot to keep attending Weight Watchers meetings and not to give up on tracking or trying new recipes. We cook for each other and swap the recipes. I'll try out recipes on Mike and share them with her for my dad and vice versa. We're a team. A chubby team.
I also keep this picture on my wall in my house.
I was a bit of a baby at the time, I think I was just about to turn 21. My best friend and I were at a casino night fundraiser and we were total babes if you ask me. Fit, fun, and fabulous.
Now she's still pretty fit, fun, and fabulous. I, on the other hand, well I'm just pretty fun and fabulous some of the time. But I'm sure working on the fit part!
Oh, by the way that Banana Republic black dress is still in my closet. It's a huge non scale goal of mine to fit into it one of these days! That is a blog post for another day!
I just found your blog and thought you could use more compliments and/or motivation. I am sure you will be in that black dress again! I blog my weight loss too.